Mechanical Services
Paape Distributing Company specializes in the design, installation and maintenance of heating and cooling systems.

Handling the complexity of boiler installation with a skilled, experienced, workforce, Paape Companies carry on a proud tradition of quality, integrity and know-how to ensure the heart of your building is installed with consideration and forward thinking. We focus on both commercial and Industrial Boiler installations, replacements, and the auxiliary piping and systems that make a steam or water heating system work. Condensate tanks, pumps, valves, steam traps to steam stops, we can facilitate the installation to meet your needs.

Taking care of your equipment is essential to keeping your equipment! Paape companies give their customers the advantage of knowledge. Whether its industrial boilers-chillers or the small heater or air conditioner on the office roof, we will match up our trained personnel to your needs and monitor your conditions as best suited for you and your environment. Burner set up to achieve maximum efficiency for the industrial plant, or readings on the refrigeration cycle to make sure all is well in the heat of the summer and correct problems before they get expensive, Paape companies have you covered. We can inspect, tune, and maintain Boilers, Burners, HVAC systems and their controls.

Burners and Burner Control Upgrades
In keeping with our history Paape companies supplies, installs, and maintains burners of many varieties and styles. Whether you are burning natural gas, propane, heavy oil or standard #2 oil, or bio-gas, we can find the burner that best suits your needs-install it to manufacturers specifications-maintain it to keep meeting those specifications or give you an upgrade from what you have currently to a number of higher efficiency burners that save you money-fuel-and meet the new standards of the 21st century.

HVAC Repair and Troubleshooting
Paape Companies believes in taking care of the building asset as a whole. As a result we cover the whole range of HVAC/refrigeration installation, trouble shooting-repair and maintenance. From chillers, rooftop package units, split systems, warm room environments, computer server rooms and industrial refrigeration Make up air units exhaust fans, building pressurization, Paint booth catalytic heaters, and the controls that make them work, Paape companies has it covered. By maintaining an experienced well versed staff who continue to learn and expand we keep on the leading edge. By understanding both transfer and flow we find the root problems of those systems that “never did work right” and get them where they need to be.

24 Hour Emergency Service
Our staff help each other to provide the best service possible 24-7-365. No matter when we can provide a service to your site with access to all of our accumulated knowledge so you know you’re never alone.

Burner Efficiency Tuning
The demands of budgets, conservation, and safety coupled with a 120° annual temperature swing, place enormous importance on keeping your burners operating at peak performance. Accurate measurements of Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide are essential to keep your plant operating safely, effectively, and most importantly efficiently. With over 65 years’ experience in keeping boilers tuned Paape Companies will keep your money where it belongs and not going up the stack.
Request a QuoteNeed Any Help?
Owner/Board of Directors ChairKaren Paape – [email protected]
Partner | CEOJason Sandberg – [email protected]
Partner | CFOJakki Paape – [email protected]